

Agamotto is Ojo's first price-providing chain for other mainnet chains. Mainnet contracts are documented here.



Ojo chain validators are required to run both the Ojo Node and the Price Feeder. In order to avoid jailing due to pricing votes, check out our docs. You can also use these binaries to run a full node on Agamotto.

Start a Full Node

Assuming that you have the right Ojo binary installed, you can start a node locally:

curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/adamewozniak/700b68ccca5add4f5237d29cd1d8f0c1/raw/f05804d60169ca9418f7a2901b0c08a33a03afec/join-agamotto.sh -o join_agamotto.sh && chmod +x join_agamotto.sh && ./join_agamotto.sh NewNode

Last updated