If your chain supports IBC and is built using the Cosmos SDK, you can consume price feeds over Stargate IBC Queries by importing the Ojo IBC module and relaying over the oracle channel via the hermes tool.
The Ojo IBC Module exists in this repo. To import the latest version:
During Begin Blockers, EndBlockers, InitGenesis, and ExportGenesis:
Note, please take careful consideration when determining the order of these operations. If you're running a lending protocol, you may want the oracle module endblocker to run before the lending module endblocker.
app.mm.SetOrderBeginBlockers(..., oracleintegrationmoduletypes.ModuleName)app.mm.SetOrderEndBlockers(..., oracleintegrationmoduletypes.ModuleName)genesisModuleOrder := []string{..., oracleintegrationmoduletypes.ModuleName}// Assuming use of:app.mm.SetOrderInitGenesis(genesisModuleOrder...)app.mm.SetOrderExportGenesis(genesisModuleOrder...)